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[6006] Matches

[6006.1] - Match Rules and Match Communications⚓︎

Matches will be subject to typical RGL rules regarding [1008] - Matches (as well as each ), [1008.9] - Pauses, [1008.4.6] - Match Configs, and [1008.5] - POV and STV Demos. Use of match communications will be required as specified in [1008.1] - Match Communications, however relevant deadlines will be extended up to 48 hours after the match start time.

[6006.2] - Match Server⚓︎

A LAN server will be provided for a match 10 minutes before the match start time. The server will have all regular RGL configs, maps, and plugins as specified in [1008.4.2] - Server Plugins & Configs . LAN admins will be supplied with the RCON address and password and are expected to execute any relevant configs, alongside changing the map when necessary.

Please note that players are expected to remain on the server for the duration of the match. If a player must leave a server for any reason, they are expected to notify either LAN staff or production and provide a reason why (e.g. restarting the game, editing config, etc.)

[6006.3] - Match Pauses⚓︎

Pauses are still subject to [1008.9] - Pauses. If extra pauses are required for either technical reasons or to resolve issues as they pop up, teams may request additional time from LAN admins or staff. Extra time/pauses may be allotted on a case-by-case basis. Please note that in the case of pauses, any coaches present are only allowed to speak with players for tactical pauses (see [6004.3] - Team Coaches for more details). Players are required to specify in-game chat the reason for the pause, as well as alert production of the pause reason as the pause occurs. Players are not allowed to strategize or speak about game theories while not using a tactical pause. Admins and LAN staff will monitor teams during non-tactical pauses to ensure pauses are not abused.

[6006.4] - LAN Map Selection⚓︎

At LAN events utilizing pick/ban matches, the match comms page will list the map selection process and maps will be selected accordingly utilizing the site system.

Team leaders are expected to be attentive to match comms and make pick/ban selections promptly, especially for playoff matchups scheduled live as the event progresses.

For events with ongoing, live scheduling, match selection pages will be available at least 30 minutes before the scheduled match time. All map selections must be completed no less than 10 minutes before the scheduled match time - failure to complete map selections by this deadline will result in a minor penalty and additional minor penalties for each additional five minutes of delay. Should one team be ready to make selections within 20 minutes before the scheduled match time and the opposing team is not cooperative or available, the unresponsive team will forfeit their first ban to the opposing team. If, 15 minutes before match time, a team has not made any selections in the pick/ban process that team shall forfeit the selection of maps for the match to the opposing team. A team that is prepared to claim the opposing team's selection(s) must contact a LAN Admin as quickly as possible to confirm the forfeit and have their map selections confirmed and entered onto the map page.

In events or stages where matchups have been scheduled before the event, teams must complete all of their selections before the event by the deadline provided in match comms. Should a team reach out to the other team to complete the map pick/bans and the other team fails to respond within the 72 hour pick/ban deadline, the team that attempted contact will receive the first ban from the enemy team. Should there be a continued failure or cooperation to respond within 24 hours of the deadline, the other team will choose all of the maps for the match.

Last update: July 16, 2024