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[3000] - Sixes Rulebook⚓︎

[3001] - Format Rules⚓︎

Teams are required to play with 6 players per team during matches. If a team is unable to field 6 players, then the team may choose to play 5v6. Teams with fewer than 5 players on the server must gather a substitute or a ringer.

[3001.1] - Class Limits⚓︎

The following class limits commands are used inside of Sixes:

tf_tournament_classlimit_scout "2" 
tf_tournament_classlimit_soldier "2"
tf_tournament_classlimit_pyro "2" 
tf_tournament_classlimit_demoman "1" 
tf_tournament_classlimit_heavy "1" 
tf_tournament_classlimit_engineer "1"
tf_tournament_classlimit_medic "1" 
tf_tournament_classlimit_sniper "1" 
tf_tournament_classlimit_spy "2"
Bypassing these limits in any way that impacts a match (however slight, even if accidental) is considered an exploit, and may result in round or match overturns.

[3001.2] - Item Whitelist⚓︎

Match servers must use the current 6s RGL item whitelist.

The entire whitelist can be found on

If there are weapon changes or new weapons added in a TF2 update during the season, they will be automatically banned. The admin team will then evaluate the changes/additions, and update the community on if the weapons will be unbanned or stay banned for the remainder of the season.

[3001.3] - 6s Map Pool⚓︎

To see what maps are being played this season, visit the matches page, where the map names will be listed in the header.

[3001.4] - 5CP Rules⚓︎

Five Control Point maps (e.g. cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine) will use the "Pro Config" which incorporates the Improved Round Timer and Improved Match Timer plugins.

Control Point (5CP): Each 5CP map has a map timer limit of 30 minutes and a round timer of 4 minutes. No halftimes are played; instead, matches using the 5CP Progressive Config (rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro.cfg) are continuous until a winner is declared.

Suppose neither team has scored the maximum number of 5 rounds possible after the 30 minute map timer has expired. In that case, the win limit will automatically reduce to [current highest rounds won on the scoreboard]+1, triggering continuous overtime.

Example: If at 30 minutes the score is (2-3), the win limit will automatically be adjusted to 4 with the next team to reach 4 rounds won being the winner.

[1008.14] - Team Starting Sides to determine side color.

[3001.5] - KOTH Rules⚓︎

King of the Hill maps (e.g. koth_product_final):

King of the Hill (KoTH): Each KoTH map has no map timer and no halftimes played. Instead, the first team to 4 rounds is the winner. Matches using the KoTH Progressive Config (rgl_6s_koth_pro.cfg) are continuous until a winner is declared.

[1008.14] - Team Starting Sides to determine side color.

[3001.6] - League Table⚓︎

During the regular season, teams are ranked according to their win/loss record.

If there is a tie in win/loss record, the tiebreakers for rank are (in this order):

  1. Teams sorted by a ratio of Rounds Won to Rounds Played
  2. Head-to-Head Winner (if teams played each other prior in the season)
  3. Quality of Opponent / Strength of Schedule
    1. Median-Buchholz (used in Swiss divisions)
    2. Sonneborn-Berger
    3. Tiebreaker Score

[3001.7] - Forfeits and Penalties⚓︎

**Normal procedures regarding forfeits and penalties can be found under the global rulebook in [1008.7.1] - Match Forfeits. Deviations due to 6v6 rulebook differences are noted here.**

Scoring/Procedure for Forfeits:
The opponent of a team that forfeits in match comms or Discord #support-ticket will be awarded 1 Round Won (RW) point with both teams being permitted the option to reschedule the respective match before the end of the regular non-Invite Season (Week 1 through Week 8). Teams MUST forfeit in match comms or Discord #support-ticket. Communicating the intent to forfeit in private messages/DMs only will be subject to admin approval/denial accordingly.
This type of forfeit is considered a “match comm forfeit”, meaning it is finalized once invoked.

Scoring/Procedure for Forfeit Wins (FFW):

The winner of a forfeit win per Global Rule guidelines [1008.7] - Requesting Match Forfeits will be awarded 1 RW point noted on the match page as a forfeit (0-1) or (1-0), respective to the FFW winner being the Home or Away team. The loser of a FFW receives zero RW points and a Minor Penalty for forfeiting, as detailed below.

The involved teams will then be given the option to reschedule the respective match on a reasonable date/time before the end of the regular season deadline. It is completely up to either team leader(s) to communicate with one another on when this best reschedule may occur and to then inform their division admins of their decision either via a Discord #support-ticket or by posting in the match’s comms the agreed upon full date and time (e.g. January 1, 2022, @ 9:30 PM EDT).

This rescheduled FFW match will play out like a normal KoTH or Control Point match (as per 6v6’s [3001.5] - KOTH Rules and [3001.4] - 5CP Rules) but with the team that originally won the FFW starting with 1 RW on the scoreboard. Final match scores should be reported to your Division Admins via a match comms post from your team leader(s).

Free Division Forfeit Penalties (NC & AM)

  • 1st forfeit: Minor penalty
  • 2nd forfeit: The team is expelled from the league for the season
  • Forfeits during playoffs: -50% prize earnings if applicable

Paid Division Forfeit Penalties (IM, Main, Adv, Inv)

  • 1st forfeit: Minor penalty
  • 2nd forfeit: Minor penalty
  • 3rd forfeit: The team is expelled from the league for the season
  • Forfeits during playoffs: -50% prize earnings if applicable

Each Major penalty results in the subtraction of 1.5 Rounds Won (RW) points from a team's record.

[3001.8] - Pauses⚓︎

Normal procedures regarding pauses can be found under the global rulebook in [1008.9] - Pauses - Pauses. Deviations due to 6v6 rulebook differences are noted here.

In divisions using the Progressive Config (rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro.cfg and rgl_6s_koth_pro.cfg) in a match, a team will be allowed to initiate two pauses per map for both Control Point and King of the Hill game modes.

Last update: January 13, 2025