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If a rule is prepended with (Old), it means the rule may have been removed or moved to a difference section or index. Please refer to the actual rule book for the latest version of this rule.

The (Old) tag is prepended automatically with no manual intervention. Should you find the correct location of this rule, please let us know via a ticket in our Discord!

(Old) [1004.12] - Team Mutiny was moved to [1006.5] - Team Mutiny since it is better categorized under [1006] - Team Registration and Eligibility

[1008.4.1] - Default Server Location⚓︎

Whoever is on the home team is expected to provide the server. If the home team cannot provide a server within 15 minutes of the match’s starting time, the away team must attempt to provide a server. If neither team is able to source a server by 30 minutes past the start, the match will be delayed to be rescheduled. No forfeit win will be awarded because of an inability to provide a server. Servers must be located in the default location for the format's region of play. If both teams agree, a different location in the same region may be used.

[1008.4.1] - Default Server Location was updated to better describe the responsibilities of the away team in finding a server. They are not required to have a server on standby, as the previous wording implied, but expected to help locate a server in the event that the home team is unable to provide one.

Last update: August 15, 2022